Appendix 1
Diary kept by Walter Pollock
Diary of Walter Pollock, 1st Independent Company – Page 1
6 December Company at CHANGLUN.
7 December All quiet.
8 December 0800hrs 9 Enemy bombers passed over bombing of Alor Star
9 December Company @ KUALA NERANG.
10 December Relieved by Gurkhas moved to SUNGEI PATANI
11 December Moved to Penang, billeted @ GLUGOR
14 December Company left by minesweepers @ night for PRAI
15 December to SUNGEI LALANG
16 December to SUNGEI MUDA fighting with the enemy, bridges blown
17 December moved to TAIPING
18 December to LENGGONG
19 December to SUMPITAN 0830. enemy in large numbers enemy pushed back through village. Ammo ran out had to withdraw. 22 men lost
20 December to KUALA KANGSAR
21 December to TELUK ANSON. I joined the company at midday at Ipoh with J. O’CALLAGHAN, J.A. RICHARDSON, J.G. ? WHYTE, W. GILCHRIST, C.T. ROSS. Stayed in ADO’s bungalow.
22 December PERAK RIVER PATROL set out for BLANJA BRIDGE at PARIT. One platoon to BAGAN DATOH, one platoon to UTAN MELINTAN (HUTAN MELINGTAN). We went up to beyond KAMPONG GAJAH (PASIR GAJAH) on morning of 25th (my birthday) we were attacked by 6 light bombers Proctor, Whyte, Richardson and self very near miss on our launch. Afterwards through jungle fired on from air. O’Callaghan shot down on(e) bomber at KAMPONG LAMBOR KIRI.
24/25 December Patrols by company to ????? 1(I) up S. BERNAM (SABAK BERNAM).
26 December 5/14 Punjabs came to CHANGAI JONG (CHANGKAT JONG). We left again up river navigation bad (by “43”).
27 December T.A. (TALOK ANSON) bombed.
28 December Bombing of UTAN MELINGTON (HUTAN MELINGTAN). Enemy landed at LEKIR (UTAN MELINTAN) we returned from KTIGA(KAMPONG PULAU TIGA) (29th December)
30 December we left for KG GAJAH (BATU GAJAH) returned and blew up “43”.
31 December Capture of enemy scout in mufti - !!! T.A. bombed.
1 January Enemy stuck at BAGAN DATOH with 4 barges 0900 PTE RUSSELL company patrol boat badly shot up 4 casulaties out of six. Air support did not forthcome. 1300 Navy patrol vessel arrived but ?????? of. 1600 report that 200 enemy craft ?? ???? of BERNAM. Enemy landed @ 1915 1st January UTAN MELINTAN (HUTAN MELINTAN)
B.O. Platoon shot its way through at X-roads.
2 January 0500hrs Enemy came down river landed at north jetty 0600hrs
1100hrs withdrew to DEGONG (KAMPONG DEGONG) heavy bombing all day. Richardson and I took cover under bamboo trees – poor cover. 1900 withdrew to KL(KUALA LUMPUR). All night drive no lights.
3 January in KL (KUALA LUMPUR) under Brig Moir.
4 January 1600 Moved to Batang Burjuntai
5 January 0700 3rd ???? brush with 300 enemy lost all cars
1100hrs I saw enemy cross river. Proctor and I tried to throw grenades. Malay reg. disappeared that night.
6 January Met A. Stewart, Tiny Lewis & Captain Lloyd AIF. also LIECESTER/SURREY. ????? at night to P. SWETTENHAM (PORT SWETTENHAM)
7 January arrived P.S. (PORT SWETTENHAM)
8 January moved to KLANG. Bombing
10 January Bombing lorry burned out. One IOR (Indian Other Ranks) casualty
11 January Heavy bombing moved to we went to Luboh Chinia (LEBOK CHINA) for night positions.
13 January moved to Malacca, met Morgan
1100hrs heavy bombing. Night drive to Segamat (hold up)
14 January 1100hrs rested at Chaah
1800hrs moved to Batu Pahat
15 January Rest. GOC 11th Div visited.
16 January Air raids we went to MINYAK BEKU.
17 January 0500hrs Chinese junk (Tongkan) seen at lighthouse Naval patrol vessels (2) did nothing. Tongkan did not answer signals
0600hrs Richardson & Gilchrist meet enemy.
0700hrs moved back 2-3 miles cut off. Lost Gilchrist and one other. 1 killed 3 wounded (total strength 14) I went to base in B.P (BATU PAHAT).
18 January No activity.
19 January MUAR offensive
1600hrs move to JB (JOHOR BARU). I lost convoy. Slept @ J.B(JOHOR BARU).
20 January I went to SPORE(SINGAPORE). Arrived midday with Daniels.
21 January I went with Richardson………. Hoffman killed, Newton got away from

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