Sketch by Jack Chalker

William Chapmans Notebook

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Rattle, Rattle, Splutter

Lewis guns and Bren's all around

Help to swell the hellish sound

Overhead the Nipon war planes

Fill the sky with angry war

Lie down flat, you silly blighters

This is what history books call War


Men upon their stomachs creeping

Through the rubber and the palm

Hungry, dry, bereft of sleeping

Knowing not a moment calm

Wading on through marsh and swamp land

Clothing stiff with mud and gore

On they go these helpless victims

Victims of the Gods of War


All around the men are lying

Fathers, brothers, husbands, sons

Some are dead and some are dying

Victims all of bombs and guns

Cursing, groaning, crying, moaning

Is this nature in the raw

No it's simply wicked murder

History books just call it War


Blackened, bloated, stinking corpses

Lying buried all around

Ants and flies and ….... maggots

Use them for a breeding ground

They have died to save the Empire

Don't for God's sake ask who for

They were simply slain and murdered

In a democratic War


While at home in London

See the ticker tapes dash in

Sharp decline in United Rubber

Down five points, Malaysian tin

Damn it we shall lose a packet

Thank God we've got plenty more

Waiter bring a double brandy

Yes, my master, this is War













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