Sketch by Jack Chalker


This story is not Public Domain. Permission must be obtained before any part of this story is copied or used.


I´ve been on leave a time or two

Since arriving here by sea

And I must admit the native girls

Are sweet as sweet can be.


In Singapore they´re very nice

Well dressed with figures trim

Fair or dark, they´re looked at twice

To satisfy a whim.


Such beauty is a treat for some

It gives them quite a thrill

But reminds me of a girl back home

Whom I love and always will.


And while she waits so patiently

She need never to have any fear

That I will marry her one of these days

Though I´m not able to say what year.

Anonymous 1942 - 1945

Double Scroll Sharp 


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[FEPOW Family] [Brothers in Arms] [Reflections] [1991 Recording] [Fepow Verse] [Tribute] [Dire Straits]


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